A few months ago, when I was gathering all of the files to put on this site, I happened to have noticed that all of the source 3DR projects for the final version of Ninkeo Kart had gone missing, and could not be found anywhere.
So I had to put in the original project page, that I didn’t have a copy and couldn’t even play with it, if I wanted to that is.
This was true for the most part. Until today.
While spelunking on my NAS, I happened to come across a randomly named folder from early 2019. Inside was the 3D Rad installation used to create the project, and the 3DR files! Unfortunately, it only contains the first 4 tracks from the last version, but it gives me the base at the very least.
This means, that if I wanted to, I can play with the final version of Ninkeo Kart and possibly develop it more 🙂
Nah. I’m not going to develop it any more. 3D Rad is old hat now. I am old hat as well.